Kamis, 18 April 2013


No matter how much my activities everyday, I always diciplined myself to wake up early in the morning (about 5-6 a.m), praying, then doing anykinds of a housewife do everyday.
No matter how tired I am another day, I always have to do my routines everyday, very strict, indeed.
Alway, always, cook our own meals and do laundrys, arranging and choosing anything we need to bring to our workplace everyday. Kinda boring and tiring, but I liked it. I like every feminine work. Well, (maybe) because I'm a woman. What a lame reason. LOL.

 And tha routines including how I treat myself (body and soul). I have a strict rules, always clean up my face every afternoon after work and never goes to bed without doing some skincare treatment first. 

Yes! Thats my rules. 

I imitate Koreans and Japanese skincare routines, every steps. They have 5 steps, minimum, to cleanse their skin. This are some steps I do :

cleansing oil ---> facial foam ---> toner ----> mask ---> starter --->  essence ---> eye cream--->  moisturizer ----> sun cream (for day use only) ---> vitamin E oil / sleeping pack
In some case, I'd used petroleum jelly to moisten up my eye and lip area ( I have normal lip condition), and sometimes I applied it to my brows, lashes and smile area to give nutritions and preventing future wrinkles. But petroleum jelly is too thick and oily to be used daily, so, I change it to vitamin E oil.
Do you wonder what kind of vitamin E oil I use? It's pretty cheap, just any kinds of vitamin E. I used Natur E as my daily nutritions and skincare. 

It comes with soft capsules made from seaweed, so we could cut it to take oil contents inside it. I took 1-2 drops of oil to my hands, rub it until it felts a little warm, and then massage it to my face and neck in a circular way. I love to use Ms. Tanaka's facial massage methods. It gaves some great results to me. Just do it 3-4 times a week to get the best results. 

Those are 3 facial massage styles which I love to do. Just one style for each treatment will do *because its pretty tiring to do whole styles at once though, LOL*.

Why massaging with oils? Well, you could use facial massage cream instead, but try to mix it with some of natural oils to add some moisture, so you don't have to use too much creams. It's a lot  cheaper and better. 

I did this for about 1,5 years and it gaves me excellent results, which, I'm not just got better skin texture, firm and supple cheek, brighter eyes, no eye circles, no comedos, no fine lines, and, I think my skincare works better.

You got to know tha most of Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese girls never skipped facial massaging for their weekly skincare routine. That's why they look younger and prettier. Facial massaging could also shaped up your cheek, chin and nose. I feel that my cheek is less chubby *maybe because I'm getting older too* and my little wrinkles around my eyes is lessen.
Anyway, I should do this facial treatment more diligently to get younger appearance and better skin. Ganbatte!

1 komentar:

  1. Very interesting post thats been shared. 24k Gold Serum must also be added as skin care routine.
